Sunday, February 24, 2013

Worth Listening: "Critical Warning Number 6"

JC Leahy

This guy Michael Lombardi is obviously selling something, It's a high priced electronic newsletter with a "free report" included.  You get the "free" report if you buy the $1,951 newsletter.  That's too rich for my budget! However, his "sales pitch" is worth a listen because it gives a pretty good explanation of our current national state of affairs.  It it is, in detail, what I've been saying and thinking for around three years.  He puts kind of dark spin on it, I admit, but have a listen anyway.  Click Here .

By the way, if you actually have $1,951 to spend on an investment advice package like that, here's Lombardi's order page (without having to listen to the 15 minute sales pitch): Click Here For the Order Page If you buy it, I want to hear about what it says! :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What's Up With False Reporting at CNN??!!

JC Leahy

Someone in the lunchroom had CNN on  Wednesday and Thursday last week .  In these two consecutive 20-minute sessions, CNN broadcast two important errors which it certainly, definitely must have know to be untrue.  What the heck is up with that??!!  Does CNN do this kind of thing every day??!!

 On Wednesday, the CNN news anchor was reporting on a gang-related shooting in Chicago.  It was a sad story about a little girl hit by a stray gang-related bullet.  The news ticker at the bottom of the screen simultaneously declared "Chicago does not have strict gun control laws."  Period; no elaboration.  With the sad news of an innocent girl killed by gang gunfire, juxtaposed with the ticker's message that Chicago lacked strict gun control laws, the viewer, obviously, is supposed to suppose that strict gun control laws might make Chicago streets safer..  The actual truth is the OPPOSITE!!!  Chicago and its suburbs have been at the FOREFRONT of oppressive gun-related restrictions since the early 1970's!!  Violent crime in Chicago has not been prevented.  In 1981, Chicago suburb Morton Grove became the very first locality to entirely ban the ownership, sale, and transportation of all handguns.  Another Chicago suburb, Oak Grove, soon followed.  Things only got worse after that!   In fact, as the ultra liberal Huffington Post reports, until just a couple of months ago, "Illinois and the District of Columbia have been the only places to refuse to allow people to be armed in public"  A Federal Appeals Court on December 11, 2012 struck down the Illinois ban and gave the state 180 days to come up with proposed laws that WILL allow citizens to carry guns. Sadly, despite this victory, Chicago citizens, like their counterparts in DC, will continue to live under severe restrictions.  The point is that the current gang crisis in Chicago has grown up in an environment of very, very oppressive firearms-related laws in Chicago. This is an undeniable, absolute fact, and the folks at CNN must have known they were lying!!

The next day, Thursday last week, CNN reported at lunchtime about the investigation into the Benghazi attack on 9/11 last year.  The US ambassador to Libya had been killed.  The CNN reporter casually interjected that the "rioting" in the Middle East had been "caused" by an American anti-Muslim film called Innocence of Muslims.  That fairy tale had been an Obama-administration smokescreen for several weeks after 9/11 last year.  The whole Administration, from Obama down, had insisted that the Benghazi attack had been merely a protest demonstration that got out of hand.  Obama insisted that the demonstration had been "caused" by this obscure little filmlet on the Internet called "Innocence of Muslims."  Obama falsely but stubbornly maintained this "blame America" fairy tale for several weeks after the ambassador's killing.   It later was proven, absolutely, and Obama admitted, that the Benghazi attack had been an intricate, superbly coordinated terrorist attack,  pre-planned by Muslim terrorists with probable al-Queda links.  The Obama Administration had know this truth since at least Day 2, if not Day 1.   Really any schoolchild must have suspected the truth from the getgo, since the attack happened on 9/11's tenth anniversary.  So what the HECK is CNN doing repeating this disproven "party line" on February 14, 2013??!!

Such baldfaced lies so casually asserted!!!   What's up with CNN ??!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

W-2 Box 14 Codes for Defense Finance and Accounting Service Box

JC Leahy
MA Accounting

If you are a Federal civilian employee, your W-2 may have been printed by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service.  You will be able to tell just looking at the employer's name on the W-2.  For example, if you work for the Department of Veterans Affairs, your W-2 employer will be shown as "Defense Finance and Actg Srv, Agent for Dept of Veterans Affairs, 1240 E 9th Street, Room 1907, Cleveland, OH  44199." 

Box 14 of your W-2 may contain codes and dollar numbers.  You will need to interpret them.  Here are the meanings:

P = Employer provided vehicle
C = Moving expense
G = Non-taxable benefits identified as Pre-Tax Transportation Equity Act
H = Home to work transportation fringe benefits
K = Non-taxable dental and vision deductions
U = Non-taxable fringe benefits
V = Non-taxable health benefits
X = Occupational Tax (civilian)
Y = Non-taxable Flexible Spending Accounts
Z = Massachusetts Retirement

8 Good reasons to file your income taxes early !!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Nurses' Job Search Alert!! Job Fair at VA Medical Center in DC !!!!

The VA Medical Center in Washington, DC will hold a Job Fair for Nurses on Sunday, February 24, from 1PM to 5PM.  They have lots of openings! For example, MICU is rumored to be short by 9 RN's!! Rumor is that at this Job Fair, the VA will be more or less hiring on the spot!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Myrtle Beach Vacation, January 25, 2013

JC Leahy

It's Friday Already!!!!!

I tossed around in bed last night until I finally fell asleep at 3 AM.  We slept until 10.  Dali made pancakes and fruit smoothie for breakfast.  I had 3 of the pancakes and a large glass of the smoothie.  As breakfast commenced, Dali received a mobile phone call from a co-worker.  She talked on the phone throughout breakfast.

We are going home TOMORROW!!!   I realized that my mental "vacation to-do" list was mostly un-done!

 We worked out in the gym. Then Dali went out. She does love to shop!  She took my post cards with her and mailed them.  The to-do list consumed a good part of my Friday.   I went into high gear on it.

First of all, I wrote some post cards to friends -- the ones that Dali took with her and mailed.  Then I renewed my Turbotax Pro software so it would be ready when I got home.  I had procrastinated on the Turbotax Pro software because it costs $800.  Then I pulled out the little tool kit I had brought, and a spare camera part. I repaired the film door latch on my Canon Élan IIE QD camera.  Yeah!!  I wasn't sure I could do that, but I tried and I succeeded!  I immediately called the photo supply company and ordered an identical spare part.  I have another Canon Elan IIE with the exact same problem, so I'll fix that one too at home.  (I might sell it on Ebay...after all, who needs 2 Canon Élan IIE's when what I really want is a decent digital SLR ?)  After that, I quickly organized some photographic slides and negatives into 3-ring-binder sleeves.  Next on the "to-do" list,  I transferred the contents of my aging wallet to a new wallet my mother gave me for Christmas 2 or 3 years ago, and threw the old one in the trash.  Then, for the first time, I attempted transfer of video from my old Sony Digital-8 to my computer via Firewire..  It worked like a charm.  (Great!  so now that Firewire is obsolete, I've learned how to use it!)  Now I know how to use lavalier microphones, regular microphones, and transfer video. (My only video failure of the week had been that my Muvee video editing software won't install on my laptop.  I later concluded that Muvee is not the best beginner's editing software to buy, and that Ulead Video Studio was a better alternative.)

We had dinner at the townhouse, worked out in the gym, and then packed and cleaned the townhouse in anticipation of departure tomorrow by the checkout deadline of 10AM.